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Plasma Rich Platelet AKA Vampire Facial

What is PRP?

PRP stands for Plasma Rich Platelets and  is a concentrated source of your own platelets, these platelets contain  lots of  growth factors. The PRP is  harvested from your own blood in the clinic by a nurse and then reintroduced into your skin, resulting in collagen synthesis and skin rejuvenation.


When will I see results?

Visible results will not be immediate. You will see some swelling from the fluid, but once this has subsided you will not see much change at all. Over 3 months the PRP stimulation will gradually improve the texture and tone of your skin, and this improvement will continue over the following months.


Who will benefit from the treatment?

  • Anyone with skin concerns

  • The treatment is suitable for all skin tones

  • The treatment is safe for pregnant and breast-feeding patients

  • The treatment is NOT suitable for advanced wrinkling and severe scarring although it can be combined with Microneedling or Fractional Needling for maximum lifting

  • Volume loss - the PRP can be injected directly into the area 

  • Crepey skin olumeGre


Does the whole treatment process hurt?

While everyone’s pain tolerances vary, there may be a mild discomfort. When combining with Fractional Needling using the Secret RF we will use of a topical anaesthetic and this can drastically minimise any pain felt.

Which areas can be treated?

Any area of the body, including skin around the eyes, cheeks, neck, jaw line, chest, décolletage and back of the hands.


What aftercare is recommended?

We  recommended that you drink plenty of fluids following your treatment and to limit strenuous activity e.g. exercise for 48hrs. You should also avoid the use of anti-inflammatory medications for at least 4 weeks. 


What are the side effects of PRP facial rejuvenation?

  • There are minimal risks of allergic reaction, because PRP uses components of your own blood.

  • Minimal swelling, bruising and redness for 12 to 24 hours.

  • There may be bruise at the puncture site, which could be visible for several days.

  • ​

What is the process of facial rejuvenation with PRP?

We take a full history  prior to your treatment and you will have an opportunity to discuss all aspects with your cosmetic technician. 


Prior to treatment a blood sample of 120 ml is extracted from you in collecting tubes. This blood is then placed in a centrifuge for up to 9 minutes. When centrifugation is complete your platelets and plasma will be separated from your blood cells.


The concentration of platelets remaining are 10 times that of normal blood. The proteins, growth factors, and other particles the platelets contain help the body’s self-healing process. These platelets are extracted and injected into your skin using a small needle or painted on when used with microneedling techniques.


Do I need to do anything to prepare for the treatment?

You will need to stop omega oils, fish oils, anti inflammatories and anti-oxidant supplements 3 - 5  days prior to treatment.


How much does it cost and how long does it last?

Treatment results vary from client to client but we do advise a course of treatments for the best outcome


  • 1  x treatment of PRP with a technician $500

  • 1 x Treatment of PRP with micro needling $650

  • 1 x treatment of PRP with Fractional Needling $995 ( face and Neck), subsequent treatments will be cheaper as the cartridge has 1,400 shots for additional use.


Who cannot have the treatment?

The treatment is not suitable for patients who have any of the following conditions:

  • Low platelet count

  • Platelet Dysfunction Syndrome

  • Critical Thrombocytopenia

  • Hypofibrinogenaemia

  • Sepsis

  • Acute and Chronic Infections

  • Chronic Liver pathology

  • Anti coagulation therapy (Warfarin, Aspirin)




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